Welcome to Insomnia 4 Insomniacs

Hello and Welcome to Insomnia 4 insomniacs. You are probably on this site because you or somebody you know is an insomniac. An insomniac is a person who cannot sleep, or has trouble falling asleep, or wakes up too early and then cannot go back to sleep. On Insomnia 4 Insomniacs I hope to share information, guidance and tips to help you overcome insomnia. I also welcome your positive contributions so that other visitors can benefit from the advice given here and to help insomniacs overcome this debilitating condition.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

4 Ways to Deal With Stress and Insomnia by: Paul Stevens

It is not difficult to understand why stress and insomnia go hand in hand. When one is under a lot of stress, and is not taking successful steps to control that stress, sleep is just one of the secondary conditions that may arise. 
There are many factors that can cause stress such as a new job, a death of a loved one or feeling like you have more responsibility than you can handle. It is possible to be under a lot of stress and not even realize it. Below are some of the most common symptoms of stress.

* Sudden inability to sleep 
* Waking frequently during the night 
* Finding it difficult to concentrate, even on simple tasks 
* Rapid heart rate 
* Headaches and muscle aches 
* Stomach pain 
* Mood swings 

Of course, many of those symptoms can be caused by something other than stress, but if you have had a major life change or are feeling overwhelmed, you should consider the possibility that stress is the cause. 
When stress and insomnia are both present, it can make the stress even worse. If you look again at the list of symptoms you will see that many of them sound similar to symptoms of insomnia. 
Just the stress alone can bring on mood swings and fatigue. Add insomnia and it will only serve to make those symptoms even worse. When that happens, the stress level is likely to increase and a vicious cycle is in place. 
While, in an ideal world, the advice may be to eliminate the factor that is causing the stress, the fact is that usually that is not possible. Instead, you must learn to deal with your stress and insomnia in ways that will minimize their impact on your emotional and physical health. 

Below are some stress management tips. 
* Avoid negative people. This is not always possible, but when you do have control choose to be around people that make you happy. 
* Learn your limitations. You cannot do everything that is asked of you and you will never be able to please everyone. Stop trying. Instead, do those things that you need to do and then add extras, such as volunteering, in areas that are important and meaningful to you. 
* Learn time management. Why can some people hold a job, raise a family, keep the house spotless and still have time for a night out? It's because they learned about time management. 
* Forget trying to be perfect. Everything does not have to be in its place. You do not have to raise the most money, get the most new clients and never burn dinner. Just learn to laugh at some of your faux paux. 

If your own attempts to deal with stress do not work, you should see a doctor or therapist for help. If left untreated, stress and insomnia can cause serious health problems. 
Stress and insomnia can each be made worse by the other. Learn to deal with them both so that you can be your best for yourself and your family.

Monday 26 March 2012

Melatonin Discovery Leads to Promising Insomnia Drug

If you are plagued by insomnia, you may be somewhat reassured by a recent discovery about melatonin that explains the role of this “sleep hormone” in the brain. More importantly, the discovery led to the development of a drug that could open the door to new treatments for insomnia.

Melatonin holds a key to better sleep

Melatonin is a hormone produced by a tiny gland in the brain called the pineal gland. The primary role of melatonin is to help regulate sleep and wake cycles.
Melatonin production follows a cycle that is affected by light. Basically, melatonin levels rise in the mid to late evening hours, stay elevated most of the night, and then decline in the early morning hours. Levels of natural melatonin fall with age, leaving some older adults with little to no melatonin.
Investigators at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) and McGill University conducted research that uncovered the role of the melatonin receptors in the brain that promote deep sleep, receptors called MT2. Capitalizing on that discovery, they, along with a team of chemists from Parma, Italy, developed a new drug called UCM765, which can specifically activate MT2.
This discovery is significant because until now, most treatments for insomnia, including benzodiazepines (e.g., Ativan, Halcion, Restoril, Valium), are not selective for deep sleep. Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, a researcher in psychiatry at the RI-MUHC and the study’s main investigator, explained why deep sleep is so important.
“Deep sleep has significant restorative effects, as well as the ability to increase memory and boost metabolism,” she noted, “while lowering blood pressure and slowing the heart rate.” Thus getting deep sleep not only can make you feel rested and energized, it is also critical for other important health factors.
The drug UCM765 was tested in rats and mice, where the researchers observed an increase in deep sleep in the animals. “The development of this pharmacology by means of targeting deep sleep receptors to treat insomnia represents a major advancement in our ability to deal with this common health problem that affects people worldwide,” noted Dr. Vassilios Papadopoulos, executive director and chief scientific officer of the RI-MUHC.
Insomnia is an inability to fall asleep or remain asleep, as well as waking up not feeling refreshed or restored. It can be acute, lasting one to several nights, or chronic, persisting for months to years. Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint among people in the United States.
The authors are hopeful their melatonin discovery and subsequent development of UCM765 will lead to the creation of new, effective treatments for insomnia. About 30 to 40% of adults report having symptoms of insomnia within a given year, and about 10 to 15% of adults say they have chronic insomnia, according to the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research.
SOURCE: By Deborah Mitchell
McGill University Health Centre

Friday 9 March 2012

Snoring And What It Means To You And Your Health

Many people deal with the loud and noisy snoring of either themselves or of their loved ones. As well as being loud and affecting your sleep, snoring may be be the result of a health-related problem. You need answers as to the causes of the snoring and what can be done about it. Use these tips below to begin.

An anti-snoring mouth guard may help you sleep better if you are bothered by snoring. A doctor or dentist can provide you with a comfortably fitting mouth piece that will keep your teeth together, thereby preventing the muscles in your jaw from relaxing too much, which is probably contributing to your snoring.

Looking for a learning experience that will help with your snoring? Many people say that learning to play the didgeridoo can help. The didgeridoo is an Australian wind instrument and it is said that playing it can actually strengthen the throat and soft palate, thereby reducing the incidence of snoring. You can learn while you cure!

It is important to lose weight if you want to snore less at night. The more you weigh, the more pressure there is on airways. If there is a lot of pressure on the airway, it will cause it to collapse slightly which will then lead to the loud, booming snoring that annoys and irritates everyone who can hear it while they are trying to sleep.

If you have a problem with snoring, sinus infections could be something you could investigate.  Sinus infection can block airways, making it hard to breathe. This can cause the passages to create a vacuum which can lead to snoring. Nasal infection can cause snoring in the same way.

Drinking alcohol too close to bedtime can result in snoring. This happens because alcohol tends to relax the throat muscles, which leads to tightened airways. As a result, snoring is more likely to occur. The best way to avoid snoring due to alcohol consumption is to stop drinking spirits at least 5 to 6 hours before bedtime.

Blow your nose well before you go to bed. Often snoring is caused by a buildup of mucous in your nose. A stuffed-up nose typically causes you to open your mouth during your sleep in order to breathe. When you breathe through your mouth you snore so keep some tissues at the side of your bed to prevent the problem before it starts.

One way to avoid the snoring that comes with extremely deep sleep is to develop and keep a steady sleep routine. If your body is accustomed to resting at a certain time, that sleep will be calmer, and you'll snore less. Getting a regular 8 hours a night, at the same time each night, will make sleeping more beneficial (and quieter for those around you).


See a doctor or dentist for evaluation if snoring is accompanied by symptoms of chronic insomnia, such as poor-quality sleep, daytime sleepiness, or difficulty concentrating. While snoring is not usually a sign of a serious condition, it can sometimes indicate obstructive sleep apnea, a breathing disorder which affects as many as 20 percent of adults.

Sleeping pills cause the throat muscles to collapse, limiting your airway at night. Although tempting, avoid sleeping pills if you suffer from insomnia. They cause snoring. Also avoid alcohol, tranquilizers or antihistamines right before bed. Find natural ways to relax before bed like meditation, relaxation techniques or warm milk. You will sleep more quietly without the aid of sleeping medications.

As previously stated, snoring is a loud and noisy condition that many people have to deal with. Snoring may not just be a noise though, it could tell you something about your health. Using the above tips to find the causes and how to treat snoring may help everyone sleep a little bit better.

Monday 20 February 2012

Quick And Easy Tips To Get Your Snoring Under Control

What is causing your snoring problem? If you don't know the answer to that you may find some suggestions here. There are also some tricks that you can try to ease up on the snoring you do at night. You and your family members will thank you as they get a good nights rest.

People with asthma have an increased chance of snoring regularly at night. If you have asthma, you should consult your doctor to see what you can do about snoring prevention. Whatever you are required to do for your asthma in general is also important, as this keeps you breathing regularly, reducing how often you snore.

Some believe that snoring is a sub-conscious problem that people suffer from while sleeping and so devices have been developed that will help your mind learn to stop snoring on its own. There are wristbands now available that vibrate any time you snore causing the person to change position while they are sleeping which usually makes the snoring stop as well. These devices are good in that they train the brain and body to stop snoring so it tends to be a more permanent solution.

When dealing with a partner that snores, it can be rather annoying. However, you must remember that he or she is not doing it to you on purpose. Search for snoring remedies, so that you both can get some sleep at night.

One trick that many spouses have learned when they have to sleep with a snorer is to nudge them until they turn over on their side. The change in position will often alleviate the problem, at least temporarily. While it is no fun to have to constantly nudge your spouse, sometimes that is the only way you can get to sleep.

Avoid drinking alcohol within 5 hours of bedtime. Alcohol, along with other sedative drugs, causes the muscles at the back of the throat to relax. When these muscles relax, you are more apt to snore. Stay away from those nightcaps--you may actually sleep more soundly if you do not drink before bed.

You wouldn't be reading this article if your snoring wasn't a problem. So, first things first, admit that you need to find a permanent solution to this problem. Secondly, try out any of the ideas here that you think hold a shot at making things better. Who knows, maybe tonight you'll sleep like a baby.

Is Snoring Keeping You Or A Loved One Awake At Night? Try These Simple Solutions!

Snoring is not elegant. It is destructive to your health, your relationships, and your mental state. Finding a treatment also is not elegant, but it will be much easier for you if you start with the tips in this article. They'll help you figure out what sort of treatment you're seeking and where to find it today.

If your snoring stops intermittently during the night, and you wake up gasping for a breath, you should make an appointment to see your doctor. This is because you may have sleep apnea, which is a serious disorder. If someone tells you that this is your sleep pattern, a sleep study may need to be conducted on you to confirm this condition.

If you are trying to curb your snoring by sleeping on your side, but always end up sleeping on your back as the night progresses, you might want to consider taping some tennis balls to your back. This will force you to sleep on your side as the pressure will wake you up whenever you are on your back.

Snoring can take a toll on your health because it interrupts your normal sleep patterns so that you never get all the rest you need. While you are looking for a cure to your snoring problem, be sure to get enough rest, even napping once in a while. This will help to keep your energy level up, and fatigue to a minimum.

If you are becoming a nuisance to yourself and someone you love because of snoring, try this tip. Oils, such as peppermint, eucalyptus and menthol have been known to shrink nasal passages, reducing the chances of snoring. Just rub a little around your nostril opening and you should notice a decrease in your snoring.

Are you ready to take the information you've read here and turn it into a cure for your snoring? If you are, then it's time for you to get to work! The sooner you implement the tips from this article, the more rapidly you'll be able to enjoy a full night's restorative sleep.